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Women Share The Compliment That Made Them Feel Amazing About Their Bodies
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto
Podcast Appearances
SPOTIFY Podcast Playlist
Here's a Spotify playlist of select podcasts recordings and interviews with Rachael Rose

ADHD, Sex and Relationships
If you or a partner has ADHD, you know that brain styles can impact sex and relationships in all sorts of ways. A few things you’ll learn in this episode:
- Common challenges related to sex and ADHD, from “time blindness” (for lack of a better term) to distractability
- Some related funny-in-hindsight experiences, from August and Rachael Rose
- What to do if you’re struggling with sex or intimacy

Episode 6: Sexual Creativity with Chronic Illness: Rachael Rose
Dr. Lee and Rachael dive into an overview of what Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis is and how there is a lot of emotional labor that comes from educating people about disabilities, including the advocacy for accessibility. Rachael shares her experience on how she became a sex and relationship coach. Dr. Lee and Rachael also discuss how being disabled has affected her approach sexually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Rachael shares with the audience her approach to advocating for sexual health with new doctors.

S3 E1: Polyamory, Disability & Accessibility
To kick off Season 3 of the podcast, Rachael Rose of Hedonish is here to talk about sex education, event planning, disability, accessibility, and how her polyamorous journey has been shaped by the conjunction of all of these. We discuss how polyamory in general has been a very understanding community for accommodations for our accessibility needs but what steps we would like to see become more commonplace both in this community and in wider society; and how some days it's a bit rough to admit, but taking care of ourselves and not judging based on the productivity of others is important.

Disability after dark
EPISODE 097: 99% Feelings, 1% Water
I chat with chronically ill sex blogger Rachael Rose about her blog Hedonish.com. We talk about sexuality and chronic illness, brain fog and sex, why she once named her illness "Fred"; what brings Rachael pleasure as a chronically ill person, and so, so much more.

SDC Presents with Lexi Sylver
Sex With a Noisy Brain, Disabilities, and Chronic Illnesses
Lexi Sylver chats with Rachael Rose who gives us insight and tips into how to manage your relationships and sex life, even when you’re also handling stress and coping with a noisy brain and/or a disability—how to feel sexy and confident when you're not feeling your best, supporting someone with a chronic illness or disability, and finding ways to enjoy your sex life when you're coping with a chronic/mental illness.

Sex with Timaree
EPISODE 364: Live at the Philly Podcast Festival with the Hosts of Glittergasm Events
This year at the Philly Podcast Festival we showcased the brains behind Glittergasm Events, an event company that hosts sex parties for the queer community, run by Sex & Relationship Coach and Educator Rachael Rose and Sex Educator and Therapist, Rebecca Hiles to demystify play parties.

SDC Presents with Lexi Sylver
Southwest Love Fest: Live From Arizona
Recorded live from the 2nd annual Southwest Love Fest, a conference on ethical non-monogamy. Join Lexi as she chats with Sex & Relationship Coach Rachael Rose, Sex therapist Dr. Liz Powell, and sexologist Marla Renee Stewart and explores the different workshops at Southwest Love Fest, what needs to change in order for sex educators to get paid what they deserve and receive the funding necessary to provide comprehensive sexual health education to youth and adults, and much more!

Disability after dark
Quarantine & Chill Part 4: Rachael Rose
I sit down with past guest Rachael Rose to ask her how she is dealing with the COVID19 pandemic. She talks about how her chronic illness, "Masto" as she calls it (short for Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis) affects her during this time. We talk about how fragrances that we use to stay clean could adversely affect her. We talk about hoarding and why we shouldn't panic buy and so much more. Enjoy this bonus cripple COVID-19 content.